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Limited Holiday Ethiopian Roast

From our local taster:

“The nose from the grounds is pleasant currant/dried fruit.

The flavor profile starts with some grassy/earthy tones but then finishes as chocolate but not too sweet, more like a subdued cacao.

It's not intensely fruity, which to me suggests it's a washed process bean.

Super nice cup, well done man. “

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Fresh roasted by Tate and Andy in Portland Oregon


Absurdely good



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Whole Bean, 12+ ounces per resealable bag. Peel-able sticker to put on your Gambler car/ cooler/ coffee mug/ thermos/ laptop/ casket


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$20 Gift


Drop Ship To Anyone


Throw your friends name and address in the customer details at checkout and for $20 shipped have a fresh bag delivered to soothe that broken leg or broken heart. Or wish them a happy Gambler or a happy birthday

Thoughts & Prayers Limited Ethiopian Roast

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